So it's been a while since I posted. I've been working on two projects:
1. a series of baby quilts to donate to carewear at Christmas
2. a crazy quilt for my bed
I have 7 baby quilts done so far. I am making them very tiny (some only 14"x 14") for the NICU. Because they are so small, I can make them very quickly. I am using this project to practice new techniques and machine quilting methods. The one thing I haven't remember to do yet is take pictures so hopefully those will be coming soon.
The crazy quilt is, well, crazy! It started out as one square, using a crazy quilting method I read about in my Quilter's World magazine. One square turned into enough squares for a full sized quilt. And the crazy part is that I had enough fabric at home for the entire quilt top!!! I am working now on embellishing and embroidering the top, using both machine and hand sewing. I hope to have it done by winter, so look for a photo soon!